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Ubuntu in "Children of the Moon"

You may have noticed that the lost civilization in "Children of the Moon" includes all sorts of different peoples: Giants, Alesians, Konks, Merpeople. The Lady of Cydonia even mentions flying people, the Nepeshai, to the time travellers. They all live peacefully in what is called the "Known World". The law is just, everybody is educated, children are well looked after and nobody wants for anything. Seems utopic? Perhaps, but I found in ancient texts some stunning ideas that reminded me of what we call Ubuntu in South Africa.

ubuntu |oǒ'boǒntoō|

An ancient African word of Xhosa and Zulu origin meaning ‘humanity to others’. It also means ‘I am what I am because of who we all are’.

For example, the society described in the ancient Frisian 'Oera Linda Book' is rather intriguing. No wonder some still think it's forged, because who would believe in the 1800s


when it was discovered, that such a society existed in antiquity? Alesians even greet each other with "Shelanti", an ancient Irish greeting meaning "I wish for you what you wish for myself".

So I thought, why not make my ancient society in "Children of the Moon" an ubuntu-loving society. Wouldn't it be great, if our 'modern' world had a little more of that?

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