Here you find some of the events over the years and what's currently happening. You can also watch a video of musician Bernard Griesel talking to Evadeen Brickwood 2014 at home in Johannesburg.

Below: Evadeen with grade 8 students at the Goethe Gymnasium in Karlsruhe.
Above: with students of St. Andrews Highschool in Bedfordview.
Below: with Zulu Planet Publishers
at the Cape Town Book Fair 2007

Left: with Grade 11 students at St. Dominikus in Karlsruhe/Germany
Below: At a Literature Festival 2019.

With authors Nika Bechtel and Elke Aybar
at the Leipzig Book Fair 2017 (right)

June 2018, Children's Book Fair & Book Tour to the Eastern Cape
The School Reading Road Show has a stand at the Children's Book Fair at the Dome in Johannesburg and a small group of authors goes on book tour to East London, Port Elizabeth, King Williams Town and Grahamstown to visit schools in the Eastern Cape
October 2017, Book Launch "The Secret of the Bird God"
The third book in the "Remember the Future" series is launched at Skoobs Theatre of Books in Johannesburg
March 2017, Leipzig Book Fair in Germany
One of the author groups I belong to, has a stand at the book fair in Leipzig, the second biggest book fair in Germany. I will be there on the weekend from 23 - 26 March. Afterwards I go on book tour and visit schools in Karlsruhe.
November 2016, all Books receive Professional Covers
The second print editions of my books are now selling in South Africa . The covers are updated and launches and readings at Exclusive Books stores are planned for next year.
5 Books Now Available on Amazon.com in August 2015
​"Children of the Moon", its German edition "Kinder des Mondes", "The Speaking Stone of Caradoc", "Singing Lizards" and the German translation "Singende Eidechsen" are published in paperback.
"The Speaking Stone of Caradoc" is released at the end of 2014
The second book in the "Remember the Future"-series. The adventures in prehistory continue. Katherine, Trevor and Chryseis travel by ship across the Atlantic Ocean to remnants of the continent of Atlantis. Much happens during their journey and things get especially dangerous in Prydhain .
Release of German online version in 2014
​In September 2014, the German version of "Children of the Moon" with the title "Kinder des Mondes" is published online. A novel, 'Singing Lizards', about a young woman moving to Africa also goes online in English and German.
Children of the Moon is published online in 2013
​Digital publishing has made great strides. In November 2013, the online version of "Children of the Moon" is published on the Smashwords website. Copies are sold on Barnes & Nobles, Kobo, Apple iBookstore, Sony, Baker & Taylor Blio, Page Foundry and the Diesel eBook Store.
In December 2013, "The Speaking Stone of Caradoc is published for the first time.
Evadeen visits Cambridge in 2008
​Evadeen Brickwood is invited to give a talk at the 'Society of British Authors' conference in Cambridge. Well-known and not so well-known authors of children's books meet for workshops, to network and to meet publishers. Shortly after, the economic crisis crashes the publishing industry.
New publisher Zulu Planet in 2007
​A new version of 'Children of the Moon' is launched by a new publisher at the Cape Town Book Fair and marketed on Amazon.com and Kalahari.net with great success. The publisher closes 6 months later, and the plans to publish the next 2 books in the youth series, 'The Speaking Stone of Caradoc' and 'The Secret of the Bird God' have to be shelved.
Children of the Moon is first published in 2005
​In November 2005, Children of the Moon is published for the first time by Scotaville Media at a launch party in Johannesburg. Evadeen becomes a member of PEN, the international association for published authors.
"Our radio-astronomers send signals into the universe to try and make contact with unknown intelligences. Why don't we first... seek the traces of unknown intelligences on our own Earth, which is so much closer?"
Erich von Daniken, 1969
"In the modern world, the commonest kind of human telepathy occurs in connection with telephone calls. More than 80% of the population say they have thought of someone for no apparent reason, who then called; or that they have known who was calling before picking up the phone, in a way that seems telepathic..."
Prof. Dr. Rupert Sheldrake, 2005